An innovative self-massage device that allows people to treat their own tightness, stiffness, and discomfort in the comfort of their own home.

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The parts of the Myotool™


Treatment with the Myotool should be comfortable.

Sometimes you may experience that “hurt-so-good” feeling, but if the discomfort becomes more than that- lighten up! – you are probably pushing too hard. If you are using the Myotool while lying down, remember that the surface you are lying on makes a big difference. If the pressure feels too strong, try using the Myotool while lying on a soft mattress, or place a folded towel over the knobs to soften the pressure. If you are not getting enough pressure, use the Myotool while lying on the firm floor for maximal pressure.

Myotool™ – What’s in a name?

“Myo-” means muscle. The Myotool is specifically designed to directly treat your body’s muscles, joints and connective tissues (tendons, ligaments, and fascia). A manifestation of injury and stress in the body is pain. Using the Myotool™ to restore normal flexibility and mobility to your tissues can improve your level of comfort, well-being, and performance.

“-Tool”: This “body tool” is easy to use and effective because of it’s design. The elongated “C” shape allows you to reach and treat your whole body, from the top of your spine to the bottom of your feet. The design takes advantage of leverage – that means that you only need to exert minimal effort for maximal results! All the knobs you see were strategically designed and positioned to allow you to apply just the right amount and quality of pressure for your body. Take a moment to familiarize yourself with the simple structure of the Myotool™ before reading through the treatment section.

We have provided for you, a comprehensive users guide to assist you in using the MyoTool to its full potential.

The Myotool™ User Guide is a PDF formatted guide of 11 pages in length.

The Myotool was designed to help manage the tightness, stiffness, and discomfort that we all experience sometimes in life. Two Physical Therapists created this tool to give people the ability to treat themselves, with a similar benefit to what they may experience from the hands-on treatment they receive at a Massage Therapy, Physical Therapy, Osteopathic or Chiropractic clinic. If you are being treated by a health care practitioner, they may have specific instructions for using the Myotool™ or want you to work on a particular area.


  • Use caution if you are on blood thinners or aspirin or are otherwise prone to bruising.  Start with very light pressure for a short period to ensure that no bruising occurs.
  • People with osteoporosis should be especially gentle when treating near boney areas such as the spine and
  • should consult a physician prior to using the Myotool™.
  • Avoid using the Myotool™ over the low back and abdominal region during pregnancy or consult a physician prior to using the Myotool™.
  • Do not use the Myotool™ over areas of acute inflammation (warmth, redness, swelling).
  • Keep the Myotool™ away from children.  Improper use could result in injury.
  • In general, begin with shorter sessions (around one minute per body part) and more gentle pressure using the Myotool.  If you are tolerating the treatment well, progress to longer durations or deeper pressure.

The Myotool™ is intended to aide in the treatment of typical tightness and discomfort in the muscles and joints of your body. It is not intended to diagnose or treat injuries or medical conditions. Consult with a physician before using the Myotool™ to ensure that it is safe to use with your medical condition. The owners of Myotool™/Myotool™ Company will not be held liable for the misapplication or misuse of the Myotool™.

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