An innovative self-massage device that allows people to treat their own tightness, stiffness, and discomfort in the comfort of their own home.

Myotool-self treatment ideas for your whole bodyMyotool™ – quite possibly the finest, most versatile, self-treatment tool ever designed for the musculoskeletal system.

The Myotool™ was designed to help manage the tightness, stiffness, and discomfort that we all experience sometimes in life. Two Manual Physical Therapists created this tool to give people the ability to treat themselves, with a similar benefit to what they may experience from the hands-on treatment they receive at a Massage Therapy, Physical Therapy, Osteopathic or Chiropractic clinic.

If you are being treated by a health care practitioner, they may have specific instructions for using the Myotool or want you to work on a particular area.

The MyoTool is very versatile.  Not only can you reach and treat your whole body, but you can also alter the manner in which you use it to best suit you.  You can sustain the pressure of a knob and focus on relaxation, rock the lever back and forth, pump the tool lengthwise, or glide the knobs along tight tissues.  To learn more about these treatment techniques and see many additional treatment ideas with written descriptions, check out the different sections on the specific techniques for different body parts.

A Tour of the Myotool™

Below is a brief overview of some of the treatments you can do with the Myotool™

Neck pain is one of the most common musculoskeletal complaints for which people seek health care assistance.  Postural strain, trauma, muscle imbalances, and “wear and tear” can all lead to dysfunction and pain.  The techniques for the neck can decrease tension and stress, improve flexibility, and ease pain.

[ Check Out Techniques for the NECK ]

The mid-back consists of the thoracic vertebrae, ribs, shoulder blades and the muscles and connective tissues that join them together.  The thorax is the most stable region of the spine, but is not immune to pain and dysfunction (as many of you know!)  Postural dysfunction, muscle imbalances, and stiffness are common in this area. The MyoTool™ excels in reaching and treating the mid-back in ways that no other device can.

[ Check Out Techniques for the MID-BACK ]

Low back pain is an epidemic.  We know that getting enough exercise, quitting smoking, losing weight, and avoiding harmful postures and activities are part of the answer.  Additionally, the techniques using the MyoTool™ will encourage tissue mobility and extensibility and muscle relaxation as well as decrease the discomfort associated with mechanical low back pain.

[ Check Out Techniques for the LOW-BACK ]

Have you ever experienced stiffness or achiness in your wrists, forearms, or elbows after spending some time at the keyboard?  How about shoulder or elbow discomfort after playing a match of tennis or pickle ball?  Try using these techniques for the chest, shoulders and arms to address problem areas.

[ Check Out Techniques for the CHEST, SHOULDERS and ARMS ]

Buttock and hip pain are frequently related to lower back or pelvic problems.  Other times a hip pain is just what it seems – a problem at your hip.  Regardless of the origin, the buttock and hip muscles can become tight and painful.  Maintaining or improving the mobility and flexibility of these tissues can go a long way in correcting discomfort and dysfunction in this region.

[ Check Out Techniques for the BUTTOCKS and HIPS ]

Cramping and tightness are common complaints in the legs and feet.  The MyoTool ™ can be used to assist in stretching the hamstrings, thighs (quads), and calf muscles.  Pumping techniques over the leg muscles or along the plantar fascia on the sole of the foot are effective at improving tissue mobility and easing discomfort in those areas.

[ Check Out Techniques for the LOWER LEGS and FEET ]

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