An innovative self-massage device that allows people to treat their own tightness, stiffness, and discomfort in the comfort of their own home.

The Low-Back

Low back pain is an epidemic.  We know that getting enough exercise, quitting smoking, losing weight, and avoiding harmful postures and activities are part of the answer.  Additionally, these techniques using the MyoTool will encourage tissue mobility and extensibility and muscle relaxation as well as decrease the discomfort associated with mechanical low back pain.

Lie on your back with the center knobs positioned along each side of your spine

Lie on your back with the center knobs positioned along each side of your spine or both off to one side. Apply an upward or downward pumping motion with your hands near the end knobs. Also, try rocking your bent knees together side to side with the center knobs positioned under your low back.

Slide an end knob past your spine to the muscles on the opposite side

Lie on your back and slide an end knob past your spine to the muscles on the opposite side. Raise the free end of the Myotool™ up toward the ceiling and feel the end knob press upward next to your spine. Sustain the pressure or use a rocking motion.

Place the center knobs near the bottom of your spine pointing downward

While lying on your back, place the center knobs near the bottom of your spine pointing downward toward your buttock. Push the Myotool downward toward your feet to stretch your low back. Try positioning the knobs at various levels to find what gives you optimal relief.

Lean your low back against an end knob

Lean your low back against an end knob with the Myotool stabilized against the wall.

Slide an end knob around your side to the desired location on your back

While sitting in a chair, slide an end knob around your side to the desired location on your back. Lean back into the knob or push the opposite end knob away from you for sustained pressure or rocking.

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The Myotool™ is intended to aide in the treatment of typical tightness and discomfort in the muscles and joints of your body. It is not intended to diagnose or treat injuries or medical conditions. Consult with a physician before using the Myotool™ to ensure that it is safe to use with your medical condition.

The owners of Myotool™/Myotool Company will not be held liable for the misapplication or misuse of the Myotool™.

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